Nicholas Diamond, Principal Broker, Awarded SVP's Partner of the Month!

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SVP Portland has recently honored Nicholas Diamond, President and Principal Broker of REIG, SVP’s Partner of the Month.

Being a Portland native, Nicholas attributes his deep roots to his commitment to building a stronger Portland community. Nicholas has demonstrated that in order to build a vibrant local community, it’s important to support and help all forms of business organizations achieve their goals. As an SVP Partner, he has been actively involved in the SVP Rising Leaders program as a participant and currently serves on the advisory board. In addition to his role with SVP, Nicholas recently helped negotiate the Center for Equity and Inclusion’s new 7,500 SF building on SW Macadam---a center that is dedicated to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts both locally and nationally.

At Real Estate Investment Group, We proudly congratulate Nicholas Diamond, for being awarded SVP’s Partner of the Month!